Submitting Objection to Closing River Slaney to Salmon Fishing.

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Guidelines on submitting objection:

“Inland Fisheries Division,
Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,
Elm House,
Earlsvale Road,
Cavan Town.
H12 A8H7

Re: Draft Wild Salmon and Sea Trout Tagging Scheme Regulations 2016

Dear Sirs

I am writing to object to the proposed closure of the River Slaney to salmon fishing for the 2017 season as set out in the draft regulations published on 11 November 2016.”

The letter/email could include the following points:

* Slaney River Trust is a conservation organisation. Its members are quite prepared to fish on a catch and release basis and have no desire to kill fish

* Serious concern that if the river is closed stocks will reduce through poaching rather than increase as seems to be the objective of closure

* Angler presence on the river deters poachers and assists the staff of Inland Fisheries Ireland in protecting stocks

* The Slaney is a Special Area of Conservation under the Habitats Directive, mainly because of its scarce multi sea winter salmon stock

* The environmental disaster taking place at Clohamon with large numbers of fish trapped in the tailrace and unable to spawn should be main priority

* Poachers are there to kill fish and have no respect for the fishing season or legal angling methods

Observations/Objections to draft regulations should be emailed ( and/or posted.

For further information go to: