Input from the Scientists

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The AST held a  symposium in London on 13 December focussed primarily on the poor survival at sea issue. Irish and Norwegian scientists were to the fore in the presentations and the some of papers can be seen here. Anglers … Continued

Fly Only Above Enniscorthy Old Bridge

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The new bye law for 2012 has introduced  a ban on the use of prawn, shrimp and worm below Enniscorthy old bridge and fishing above the bridge will be fly only when the fishing opens on 17 March. The entire river … Continued

Blackwater Weir to be removed

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Following legal agreemnt between the parties the Clonduline wier on the famous Careysville fishery is be removed next year according to a Ministerial press release.

Impact of Invasive Weed

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IFI’s press release on the closure and drainage of a section of the Grand Canal due to the need to eradicate NewZealand Pygmy weed highlights the danger posed by the introduction of foreign invasive species. The Slaney already suffers from … Continued