Proposed Trip to the Redds on 26 November

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We are planning a trip to visit the spawning redds on Saturday 26 November weather permitting. Stephen Byrne of IFI  has kindly agreed to host the trip. This is always an interesting day out  and typically we would hope to … Continued

Salmon Summit in France

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There were a huge range of scientific papers (see abstracts) presented at the Salmon Summit in France on 11 to 13 October.The Irish Times of 18 October reported on Ken Whelan’s comments on Salmon adapting to climate change .

Study of Seal Predation

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IFI are currently advertisng a tender to carry out a 2 year pilot study on the impact of seal predation on the Slaney and Moy estuaries. If this goes ahead it should provide a very interesting insight into how the salmon … Continued

Catch and Release and Catch Again

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There is an interesting piece in September’s “Field” concerning two fish in  Scotland released and immediately caught again. I have heard of a similar incident on the Blackwater where a few years ago a salmon took a worm immediately after being … Continued

Slaney Salmon over 35lbs

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There is a thread on the Salmon fishing Forum looking for details on Salmon over 35 Lbs caught in Irish Rivers and not in Fred Bullers book. There is currently only one Slaney Salmon in the list. This is the large … Continued

Wanted Slaney News and Photos

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Any relevent photos or news of interest relating to the Slaney whether or not to do with fishing are wanted for publiction on the site please email to in the first instance