Slaney River Trust’s Objectives

The primary objective of the Slaney River Trust is to protect, improve and rehabilitate the stocks of salmon and other indigenous fish including sea trout and brown trout along with the ecology, animal and plant life of the river, its valley and tributaries.

Current Activities

In recent years, with operational funding primarily restricted to members subscriptions of €50, the Trust acts to represent its member’s views to Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) and other national and local government and to drive policy in support of its objectives. In particular in

  • Making the case to keep the rod fishery open. It has been closed 3 times in recent years, leading to unmaintained banks making access very difficult and increased poaching
  • Interacting with local organisations, schools etc
  • Actively working towards the removal of in river obstructions to fish migration
  • Highlighting incidents of pollution
  • Highlighting the need for action on poaching

A huge effort has gone into addressing the problems caused by the operation of a hydroelectric plant at Clohamon weir which has resulted in large numbers of salmon and sea trout being trapped in the tailrace. With the help of IFI funding and staff, the cooperation of the owner of the plant the Trust has driven the design of a revised grid for the bottom of the tailrace. This is now in the planning process. If successful substantial funding is likely to be required.

The Trust provides access to a webcam situated below Bunclody which enables members to get a clear view of the water height and conditions. Following a lightning strike in 2020 the webcam was replaced in March 2021.

2000 – 2012

Prior to the 2008 financial crisis the Trust received €400,000 financing, from EU funds, by way of supply of IFI staff for in-river work, and donations from angling clubs and fishery owners. This provided support for a wide range of activities including seminars and outreach, the commissioning of specialist development reports in 2002 and 2010. Details of the substantial development work carried out on the river and its tributaries based on those reports are outlined in the Habit Works section of the website


The Slaney River Trust c.l.g operates in partnership with the Slaney Rod Fishers Association and a fundraising entity the Slaney River Foundation c.l.g.. Details of the structure can be seen here.