What happens if you dont tag your fish…..

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A report in yesterdays Atlantic Salmon Federation news highlights the penalties for illegal fishing in Newfoundland – a man with an untagged salmon got 1 months house arrest and a 5 year ban -see the  report on 7  cases of … Continued

Salmon Return to the Tolka

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Salmon have returned to the Tolka in Dublin after over a hundred years – removing barriers and pollution leads to first arrivals – see IFI press release

Poaching on the Redds

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Todays IFI press release on a conviction for spearing salmon on the spawning gounds on the Newport river along with a photo of the 3 fish taken highlights the threat to our rivers. A fine of €1,750 will hopefully focus the … Continued

Web Cam Down

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The web cam showing the water level has been down for the past couple of weeks due to a phone line problem.  We hope to have it fixed in the next few days.

Netting closer to home

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Last week’s note was about poaching in the UK – the recent conviction of 2 men for netting in the Waterford estuary and lots of comment on the forums about alledged illegal netting on for example the Nore and other rivers  indicates that … Continued

Poaching not just an Irish problem

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In light of reports of poaching incidents across the country, the attached article on poaching on the Wye, shows that this is a problem big problem abroad as well.  Although it would appear that the widespread netting river pools is  more typically a … Continued