Update 2020 Season

A lack of photos and news flow arising from the first Covid 19 lockdown meant that there were no fishing updates provided in 2020. Local members who could access the river within the travel restrictions enjoyed good sport with April and May producing some very nice fish. Low water conditions for most of July and August saw the usual summer lull with few anglers out.

young girl holding a salmon
A May Springer caught by her dad

Heavy rain and a week of good water at the end of August brought a good run of fish up from below Enniscorthy bridge and other tidal parts of the river. This resulted in a flurry of catches with anglers meeting a mixture of fresher run grilse and summer salmon along with stale resident springers.

Gentleman with August salmon on river slaney
A late August fish

The seatrout season was best described as middling in the lower river with catches down compared to the much-improved seatrout run of 2019. However, with a number of better sized (2lbs +) trout running quickly through the lower beats at the end of June good sport was had further upstream.

sea trout fishing in fading light

Once the covid restrictions are lifted we hope to be able to report on the 2021 seaon.